Monday, July 17, 2023

“A Tragedy for Us All”: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Dissent


The Nation


JUNE 29, 2023

The justice did not mince words in her dissent of the conservative supermajority’s decision striking down affirmative action in college admissions.



Ketanji Brown Jackson, associate justice of the US Supreme Court, following a State of the Union address at the US Capitol on Feb. 7, 2023. (Photographer: Jacquelyn Martin / Bloomberg / AP)

In a devastating blow to the fight for racial justice in the United States, the US Supreme Court on Friday eliminated affirmative action in higher education. In her dissenting opinion, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson called out her conservative colleagues for “interfering with the crucial work that UNC and other institutions of higher learning are doing to solve America’s real-world problems.” Read her dissent in its entirety below.


Gulf-sized race-based gaps exist with respect to the health, wealth, and well-being of American citizens. They were created in the distant past, but have indisputably been passed down to the present day through the generations. Every moment these gaps persist is a moment in which this great country falls short of actualizing one of its foundational principles—the “self-evident” truth that all of us are created equal. Yet, today, the Court determines that holistic admissions programs like the one that the University of North Carolina (UNC) has operated, consistent with Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U. S. 306 (2003), are a problem with respect to achievement of that aspiration, rather than a viable solution (as has long been evident to historians, sociologists, and policymakers alike).


Justice Sotomayor has persuasively established that nothing in the Constitution or Title VI prohibits institutions from taking race into account to ensure the racial diversity of admits in higher education. I join her opinion without qualification. I write separately to expound upon the universal benefits of considering race in this context, in response to a suggestion that has permeated this legal action from the start. Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) has maintained, both subtly and overtly, that it is unfair for a college’s admissions process to consider race as one factor in a holistic review of its applicants.


This contention blinks both history and reality in ways too numerous to count. But the response is simple: Our country has never been colorblind. Given the lengthy history of state-sponsored race-based preferences in America, to say that anyone is now victimized if a college considers whether that legacy of discrimination has unequally advantaged its applicants fails to acknowledge the well-documented “intergenerational transmission of inequality” that still plagues our citizenry.


It is that inequality that admissions programs such as UNC’s help to address, to the benefit of us all. Because the majority’s judgment stunts that progress without any basis in law, history, logic, or justice, I dissent.


I    A


Imagine two college applicants from North Carolina, John and James. Both trace their family’s North Carolina roots to the year of UNC’s founding in 1789. Both love their State and want great things for its people. Both want to honor their family’s legacy by attending the State’s flagship educational institution. John, however, would be the seventh generation to graduate from UNC. He is White. James would be the first; he is Black. Does the race of these applicants properly play a role in UNC’s holistic merits-based admissions process?

To answer that question, “a page of history is worth a volume of logic.” New York Trust Co. v. Eisner, 256 U. S. 345, 349 (1921). Many chapters of America’s history appear necessary, given the opinions that my colleagues in the majority have issued in this case.


Justice Thurgood Marshall recounted the genesis:

“Three hundred and fifty years ago, the Negro was dragged to this country in chains to be sold into slavery. Uprooted from his homeland and thrust into bondage for forced labor, the slave was deprived of all legal rights. It was unlawful to teach him to read; he could be sold away from his family and friends at the whim of his master; and killing or maiming him was not a crime. The system of slavery brutalized and dehumanized both master and slave.” Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, 438 U. S. 265, 387–388 (1978).


Slavery should have been (and was to many) self-evidently dissonant with our avowed founding principles. When the time came to resolve that dissonance, eleven States chose slavery. With the Union’s survival at stake, Frederick Douglass noted, Black Americans in the South “were almost the only reliable friends the nation had,” and “but for their help . . . the Rebels might have succeeded in breaking up the Union.” After the war, Senator John Sherman defended the proposed Fourteenth Amendment in a manner that encapsulated our Reconstruction Framers’ highest sentiments: “We are bound by every obligation, by [Black Americans’] service on the battlefield, by their heroes who are buried in our cause, by their patriotism in the hours that tried our country, we are bound to protect them and all their natural rights.”


To uphold that promise, the Framers repudiated this Court’s holding in Dred Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393 (1857), by crafting Reconstruction Amendments (and associated legislation) that transformed our Constitution and society. Even after this Second Founding—when the need to right historical wrongs should have been clear beyond cavil—opponents insisted that vindicating equality in this manner slighted White Americans. So, when the Reconstruction Congress passed a bill to secure all citizens “the same [civil] right[s]” as “enjoyed by white citizens,” 14 Stat. 27, President Andrew Johnson vetoed it because it “discriminat[ed] . . . in favor of the negro.”


That attitude, and the Nation’s associated retreat from Reconstruction, made prophesy out of Congressman Thaddeus Stevens’s fear that “those States will all . . . keep up this discrimination, and crush to death the hated freedmen.” And this Court facilitated that retrenchment. Not just in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U. S. 537 (1896), but “in almost every instance, the Court chose to restrict the scope of the second founding.” Thus, thirteen years pre-Plessy, in the Civil Rights Cases, 109 U. S. 3 (1883), our predecessors on this Court invalidated Congress’s attempt to enforce the Reconstruction Amendments via the Civil Rights Act of 1875, lecturing that “there must be some stage . . . when [Black Americans] tak[e] the rank of a mere citizen, and ceas[e] to be the special favorite of the laws.” Id., at 25. But Justice Harlan knew better. He responded: “What the nation, through Congress, has sought to accomplish in reference to [Black people] is—what had already been done in every State of the Union for the white race—to secure and protect rights belonging to them as freemen and citizens; nothing more.” Id., at 61 (dissenting opinion).


Justice Harlan dissented alone. And the betrayal that this Court enabled had concrete effects. Enslaved Black people had built great wealth, but only for enslavers. No surprise, then, that freedmen leapt at the chance to control their own labor and to build their own financial security. Still, White southerners often “simply refused to sell land to blacks,” even when not selling was economically foolish. To bolster private exclusion, States sometimes passed laws forbidding such sales. The inability to build wealth through that most American of means forced Black people into sharecropping roles, where they somehow always tended to find themselves in debt to the landowner when the growing season closed, with no hope of recourse against the ever-present cooking of the books.


Sharecropping is but one example of race-linked obstacles that the law (and private parties) laid down to hinder the progress and prosperity of Black people. Vagrancy laws criminalized free Black men who failed to work for White landlords. Many States barred freedmen from hunting or fishing to ensure that they could not live without entering de facto re-enslavement as sharecroppers. A cornucopia of laws (e.g., banning hitchhiking, prohibiting encouraging a laborer to leave his employer, and penalizing those who prompted Black southerners to migrate northward) ensured that Black people could not freely seek better lives elsewhere. And when statutes did not ensure compliance, state-sanctioned (and private) violence did.


Thus emerged Jim Crow—a system that was, as much as anything else, a comprehensive scheme of economic exploitation to replace the Black Codes, which themselves had replaced slavery’s form of comprehensive economic exploitation. Meanwhile, as Jim Crow ossified, the Federal Government was “giving away land” on the western frontier, and with it “the opportunity for upward mobility and a more secure future,” over the 1862 Homestead Act’s three-quarter-century tenure. Black people were exceedingly unlikely to be allowed to share in those benefits, which by one calculation may have advantaged approximately 46 million Americans living today.


Despite these barriers, Black people persisted. Their so-called Great Migration northward accelerated during and after the First World War. Like clockwork, American cities responded with racially exclusionary zoning (and similar policies). As a result, Black migrants had to pay disproportionately high prices for disproportionately subpar housing. Nor did migration make it more likely for Black people to access home ownership, as banks would not lend to Black people, and in the rare cases banks would fund home loans, exorbitant interest rates were charged. With Black people still locked out of the Homestead Act giveaway, it is no surprise that, when the Great Depression arrived, race-based wealth, health, and opportunity gaps were the norm.


Federal and State Governments’ selective intervention further exacerbated the disparities. Consider, for example, the federal Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), created in 1933. HOLC purchased mortgages threatened with foreclosure and issued new, amortized mortgages in their place. Not only did this mean that recipients of these mortgages could gain equity while paying off the loan, successful full payment would make the recipient a homeowner. Ostensibly to identify (and avoid) the riskiest recipients, the HOLC “created color-coded maps of every metropolitan area in the nation.” Green meant safe; red meant risky. And, regardless of class, every neighborhood with Black people earned the red designation.


Similarly, consider the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), created in 1934, which insured highly desirable bank mortgages. Eligibility for this insurance required an FHA appraisal of the property to ensure a low default risk. But, nationwide, it was FHA’s established policy to provide “no guarantees for mortgages to African Americans, or to whites who might lease to African Americans,” irrespective of creditworthiness. No surprise, then, that “[b]etween 1934 and 1968, 98 percent of FHA loans went to white Americans,” with whole cities (ones that had a disproportionately large number of Black people due to housing segregation) sometimes being deemed ineligible for FHA intervention on racial grounds. The Veterans Administration operated similarly.


One more example: the Federal Home Loan Bank Board “chartered, insured, and regulated savings and loan associations from the early years of the New Deal.” But it did “not oppose the denial of mortgages to African Americans until 1961” (and even then opposed discrimination ineffectively).


The upshot of all this is that, due to government policy choices, “[i]n the suburban-shaping years between 1930 and 1960, fewer than one percent of all mortgages in the nation were issued to African Americans.” Thus, based on their race, Black people were “[l]ocked out of the greatest mass-based opportunity for wealth accumulation in American history.”


For present purposes, it is significant that, in so excluding Black people, government policies affirmatively operated—one could say, affirmatively acted—to dole out preferences to those who, if nothing else, were not Black. Those past preferences carried forward and are reinforced today by (among other things) the benefits that flow to homeowners and to the holders of other forms of capital that are hard to obtain unless one already has assets.


This discussion of how the existing gaps were formed is merely illustrative, not exhaustive. I will pass over Congress’s repeated crafting of family-, worker-, and retiree-protective legislation to channel benefits to White people, thereby excluding Black Americans from what was otherwise “a revolution in the status of most working Americans.” I will also skip how the G. I. Bill’s “creation of . . . middle-class America” (by giving $95 billion to veterans and their families between 1944 and 1971) was “deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow.” So, too, will I bypass how Black people were prevented from partaking in the consumer credit market—a market that helped White people who could access it build and protect wealth. Nor will time and space permit my elaborating how local officials’ racial hostility meant that even those benefits that Black people could formally obtain were unequally distributed along racial lines. And I could not possibly discuss every way in which, in light of this history, facially race-blind policies still work race-based harms today (e.g., racially disparate tax-system treatment; the disproportionate location of toxic-waste facilities in Black communities; or the deliberate action of governments at all levels in designing interstate highways to bisect and segregate Black urban communities).


The point is this: Given our history, the origin of persistent race-linked gaps should be no mystery. It has never been a deficiency of Black Americans’ desire or ability to, in Frederick Douglass’s words, “stand on [their] own legs.” Rather, it was always simply what Justice Harlan recognized 140 years ago—the persistent and pernicious denial of “what had already been done in every State of the Union for the white race.” Civil Rights Cases, 109 U. S., at 61 (dissenting opinion).




History speaks. In some form, it can be heard forever. The race-based gaps that first developed centuries ago are echoes from the past that still exist today. By all accounts, they are still stark.


Start with wealth and income. Just four years ago, in 2019, Black families’ median wealth was approximately $24,000. For White families, that number was approximately eight times as much (about $188,000). These wealth disparities “exis[t] at every income and education level,” so, “[o]n average, white families with college degrees have over $300,000 more wealth than black families with college degrees.” This disparity has also accelerated over time—from a roughly $40,000 gap between White and Black household median net worth in 1993 to a roughly $135,000 gap in 2019. Median income numbers from 2019 tell the same story: $76,057 for White households, $98,174 for Asian households, $56,113 for Latino households, and $45,438 for Black households.


These financial gaps are unsurprising in light of the link between home ownership and wealth. Today, as was true 50 years ago, Black home ownership trails White home ownership by approximately 25 percentage points. Moreover, Black Americans’ homes (relative to White Americans’) constitute a greater percentage of household wealth, yet tend to be worth less, are subject to higher effective property taxes, and generally lost more value in the Great Recession.


From those markers of social and financial unwellness flow others. In most state flagship higher educational institutions, the percentage of Black undergraduates is lower than the percentage of Black high school graduates in that State. Black Americans in their late twenties are about half as likely as their White counterparts to have college degrees. And because lower family income and wealth force students to borrow more, those Black students who do graduate college find themselves four years out with about $50,000 in student debt—nearly twice as much as their White compatriots.


As for postsecondary professional arenas, despite being about 13% of the population, Black people make up only about 5% of lawyers. Such disparity also appears in the business realm: Of the roughly 1,800 chief executive officers to have appeared on the well-known Fortune 500 list, fewer than 25 have been Black (as of 2022, only six are Black). Furthermore, as the COVID–19 pandemic raged, Black-owned small businesses failed at dramatically higher rates than White-owned small businesses, partly due to the disproportionate denial of the forgivable loans needed to survive the economic downturn.


Health gaps track financial ones. When tested, Black children have blood lead levels that are twice the rate of White children—“irreversible” contamination working irremediable harm on developing brains. Black (and Latino) children with heart conditions are more likely to die than their White counterparts. Race-linked mortality-rate disparity has also persisted, and is highest among infants.


So, too, for adults: Black men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer as White men and have lower 5-year cancer survival rates. Uterine cancer has spiked in recent years among all women—but has spiked highest for Black women, who die of uterine cancer at nearly twice the rate of “any other racial or ethnic group.” Black mothers are up to four times more likely than White mothers to die as a result of childbirth. And COVID killed Black Americans at higher rates than White Americans.


“Across the board, Black Americans experience the highest rates of obesity, hypertension, maternal mortality, infant mortality, stroke, and asthma.” These and other disparities—the predictable result of opportunity disparities— lead to at least 50,000 excess deaths a year for Black Americans vis-à-vis White Americans. That is 80 million excess years of life lost from just 1999 through 2020.


Amici tell us that “race-linked health inequities pervad[e] nearly every index of human health” resulting “in an overall reduced life expectancy for racial and ethnic minorities that cannot be explained by genetics.” Meanwhile—tying health and wealth together—while she lays dying, the typical Black American “pay[s] more for medical care and incur[s] more medical debt.”




We return to John and James now, with history in hand. It is hardly John’s fault that he is the seventh generation to graduate from UNC. UNC should permit him to honor that legacy. Neither, however, was it James’s (or his family’s) fault that he would be the first. And UNC ought to be able to consider why.


Most likely, seven generations ago, when John’s family was building its knowledge base and wealth potential on the university’s campus, James’s family was enslaved and laboring in North Carolina’s fields. Six generations ago, the North Carolina “Redeemers” aimed to nullify the results of the Civil War through terror and violence, marauding in hopes of excluding all who looked like James from equal citizenship. Five generations ago, the North Carolina Red Shirts finished the job. Four (and three) generations ago, Jim Crow was so entrenched in the State of North Carolina that UNC “enforced its own Jim Crow regulations.” Two generations ago, North Carolina’s Governor still railed against “‘integration for integration’s sake’”—and UNC Black enrollment was minuscule. So, at bare minimum, one generation ago, James’s family was six generations behind because of their race, making John’s six generations ahead.


These stories are not every student’s story. But they are many students’ stories. To demand that colleges ignore race in today’s admissions practices—and thus disregard the fact that racial disparities may have mattered for where some applicants find themselves today—is not only an affront to the dignity of those students for whom race matters. It also condemns our society to never escape the past that explains how and why race matters to the very concept of who “merits” admission.


Permitting (not requiring) colleges like UNC to assess merit fully, without blinders on, plainly advances (not thwarts) the Fourteenth Amendment’s core promise. UNC considers race as one of many factors in order to best assess the entire unique import of John’s and James’s individual lives and inheritances on an equal basis. Doing so involves acknowledging (not ignoring) the seven generations’ worth of historical privileges and disadvantages that each of these applicants was born with when his own life’s journey started a mere 18 years ago.




Recognizing all this, UNC has developed a holistic review process to evaluate applicants for admission. Students must submit standardized test scores and other conventional information. But applicants are not required to submit demographic information like gender and race. UNC considers whatever information each applicant submits using a non-exhaustive list of 40 criteria grouped into eight categories: “academic performance, academic program, standardized testing, extracurricular activity, special talent, essay criteria, background, and personal criteria.


Drawing on those 40 criteria, a UNC staff member evaluating John and James would consider, with respect to each, his “engagement outside the classroom; persistence of commitment; demonstrated capacity for leadership; contributions to family, school, and community; work history; [and his] unique or unusual interests.” Relevant, too, would be his “relative advantage or disadvantage, as indicated by family income level, education history of family members, impact of parents/guardians in the home, or formal education environment; experience of growing up in rural or center-city locations; [and his] status as child or stepchild of Carolina alumni.” The list goes on. The process is holistic, through and through.


So where does race come in? According to UNC’s admissions-policy document, reviewers may also consider “the race or ethnicity of any student” (if that information is provided) in light of UNC’s interest in diversity. And, yes, “the race or ethnicity of any student may—or may not—receive a ‘plus’ in the evaluation process depending on the individual circumstances revealed in the student’s application.” Stephen Farmer, the head of UNC’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, confirmed at trial (under oath) that UNC’s admissions process operates in this fashion.


Thus, to be crystal clear: Every student who chooses to disclose his or her race is eligible for such a race-linked plus, just as any student who chooses to disclose his or her unusual interests can be credited for what those interests might add to UNC. The record supports no intimation to the contrary. Eligibility is just that; a plus is never automatically awarded, never considered in numerical terms, and never automatically results in an offer of admission. There are no race-based quotas in UNC’s holistic review process. In fact, during the admissions cycle, the school prevents anyone who knows the overall racial makeup of the admitted student pool from reading any applications.


More than that, every applicant is also eligible for a diversity-linked plus (beyond race) more generally. And, notably, UNC understands diversity broadly, including “socioeconomic status, first-generation college status . . . political beliefs, religious beliefs . . . diversity of thoughts, experiences, ideas, and talents.”


A plus, by its nature, can certainly matter to an admissions case. But make no mistake: When an applicant chooses to disclose his or her race, UNC treats that aspect of identity on par with other aspects of applicants’ identity that affect who they are (just like, say, where one grew up, or medical challenges one has faced). And race is considered alongside any other factor that sheds light on what attributes applicants will bring to the campus and whether they are likely to excel once there. A reader of today’s majority opinion could be forgiven for misunderstanding how UNC’s program really works, or for missing that, under UNC’s holistic review process, a White student could receive a diversity plus while a Black student might not.


UNC does not do all this to provide handouts to either John or James. It does this to ascertain who among its tens of thousands of applicants has the capacity to take full advantage of the opportunity to attend, and contribute to, this prestigious institution, and thus merits admission. And UNC has concluded that ferreting this out requires understanding the full person, which means taking seriously not just SAT scores or whether the applicant plays the trumpet, but also any way in which the applicant’s race-linked experience bears on his capacity and merit. In this way, UNC is able to value what it means for James, whose ancestors received no race-based advantages, to make himself competitive for admission to a flagship school nevertheless. Moreover, recognizing this aspect of James’s story does not preclude UNC from valuing John’s legacy or any obstacles that his story reflects.


So, to repeat: UNC’s program permits, but does not require, admissions officers to value both John’s and James’s love for their State, their high schools’ rigor, and whether either has overcome obstacles that are indicative of their “persistence of commitment.” It permits, but does not require, them to value John’s identity as a child of UNC alumni (or, perhaps, if things had turned out differently, as a first-generation White student from Appalachia whose family struggled to make ends meet during the Great Recession). And it permits, but does not require, them to value James’s race—not in the abstract, but as an element of who he is, no less than his love for his State, his high school courses, and the obstacles he has overcome.


Understood properly, then, what SFFA caricatures as an unfair race-based preference cashes out, in a holistic system, to a personalized assessment of the advantages and disadvantages that every applicant might have received by accident of birth plus all that has happened to them since. It ensures a full accounting of everything that bears on the individual’s resilience and likelihood of enhancing the UNC campus. It also forecasts his potential for entering the wider world upon graduation and making a meaningful contribution to the larger, collective, societal goal that the Equal Protection Clause embodies (its guarantee that the United States of America offers genuinely equal treatment to every person, regardless of race).


Furthermore, and importantly, the fact that UNC’s holistic process ensures a full accounting makes it far from clear that any particular applicant of color will finish ahead of any particular non-minority applicant. For example, as the District Court found, a higher percentage of the most academically excellent in-state Black candidates (as SFFA’s expert defined academic excellence) were denied admission than similarly qualified White and Asian American applicants. That, if nothing else, is indicative of a genuinely holistic process; it is evidence that, both in theory and in practice, UNC recognizes that race—like any other aspect of a person—may bear on where both John and James start the admissions relay, but will not fully determine whether either eventually crosses the finish line.





The majority seems to think that race blindness solves the problem of race-based disadvantage. But the irony is that requiring colleges to ignore the initial race-linked opportunity gap between applicants like John and James will inevitably widen that gap, not narrow it. It will delay the day that every American has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of race.


SFFA similarly asks us to consider how much longer UNC will be able to justify considering race in its admissions process. Whatever the answer to that question was yesterday, today’s decision will undoubtedly extend the duration of our country’s need for such race consciousness, because the justification for admissions programs that account for race is inseparable from the race-linked gaps in health, wealth, and well-being that still exist in our society (the closure of which today’s decision will forestall).


To be sure, while the gaps are stubborn and pernicious, Black people, and other minorities, have generally been doing better. But those improvements have only been made possible because institutions like UNC have been willing to grapple forthrightly with the burdens of history. SFFA’s complaint about the “indefinite” use of race-conscious admissions programs, then, is a non sequitur. These programs respond to deep-rooted, objectively measurable problems; their definite end will be when we succeed, together, in solving those problems.


Accordingly, while there are many perversities of today’s judgment, the majority’s failure to recognize that programs like UNC’s carry with them the seeds of their own destruction is surely one of them. The ultimate goal of recognizing James’s full story and (potentially) admitting him to UNC is to give him the necessary tools to contribute to closing the equity gaps discussed in Part I, supra, so that he, his progeny—and therefore all Americans—can compete without race mattering in the future. That intergenerational project is undeniably a worthy one.


In addition, and notably, that end is not fully achieved just because James is admitted. Schools properly care about preventing racial isolation on campus because research shows that it matters for students’ ability to learn and succeed while in college if they live and work with at least some other people who look like them and are likely to have similar experiences related to that shared characteristic. Equally critical, UNC’s program ensures that students who don’t share the same stories (like John and James) will interact in classes and on campus, and will thereby come to understand each other’s stories, which amici tell us improves cognitive abilities and critical-thinking skills, reduces prejudice, and better prepares students for postgraduate life.


Beyond campus, the diversity that UNC pursues for the betterment of its students and society is not a trendy slogan. It saves lives. For marginalized communities in North Carolina, it is critically important that UNC and other area institutions produce highly educated professionals of color. Research shows that Black physicians are more likely to accurately assess Black patients’ pain tolerance and treat them accordingly (including, for example, prescribing them appropriate amounts of pain medication). For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die. Studies also confirm what common sense counsels: Closing wealth disparities through programs like UNC’s—which, beyond diversifying the medical profession, open doors to every sort of opportunity—helps address the aforementioned health disparities (in the long run) as well.


Do not miss the point that ensuring a diverse student body in higher education helps everyone, not just those who, due to their race, have directly inherited distinct disadvantages with respect to their health, wealth, and wellbeing. Amici explain that students of every race will come to have a greater appreciation and understanding of civic virtue, democratic values, and our country’s commitment to equality. The larger economy benefits, too: When it comes down to the brass tacks of dollars and cents, ensuring diversity will, if permitted to work, help save hundreds of billions of dollars annually (by conservative estimates).


Thus, we should be celebrating the fact that UNC, once a stronghold of Jim Crow, has now come to understand this. The flagship educational institution of a former Confederate State has embraced its constitutional obligation to afford genuine equal protection to applicants, and, by extension, to the broader polity that its students will serve after graduation. Surely that is progress for a university that once engaged in the kind of patently offensive race-dominated admissions process that the majority decries.


With its holistic review process, UNC now treats race as merely one aspect of an applicant’s life, when race played a totalizing, all-encompassing, and singularly determinative role for applicants like James for most of this country’s history: No matter what else was true about him, being Black meant he had no shot at getting in (the ultimate race-linked uneven playing field). Holistic programs like UNC’s reflect the reality that Black students have only relatively recently been permitted to get into the admissions game at all. Such programs also reflect universities’ clear-eyed optimism that, one day, race will no longer matter.


So much upside. Universal benefits ensue from holistic admissions programs that allow consideration of all factors material to merit (including race), and that thereby facilitate diverse student populations. Once trained, those UNC students who have thrived in the university’s diverse learning environment are well equipped to make lasting contributions in a variety of realms and with a variety of colleagues, which, in turn, will steadily decrease the salience of race for future generations. Fortunately, UNC and other institutions of higher learning are already on this beneficial path. In fact, all that they have needed to continue moving this country forward (toward full achievement of our Nation’s founding promises) is for this Court to get out of the way and let them do their jobs. To our great detriment, the majority cannot bring itself to do so.




The overarching reason the majority gives for becoming an impediment to racial progress—that its own conception of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause leaves it no other option—has a wholly self-referential, two-dimensional flatness. The majority and concurring opinions rehearse this Court’s idealistic vision of racial equality, from Brown forward, with appropriate lament for past indiscretions. See, e.g., ante, at 11. But the race-linked gaps that the law (aided by this Court) previously founded and fostered—which indisputably define our present reality—are strangely absent and do not seem to matter.


With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces “colorblindness for all” by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life. And having so detached itself from this country’s actual past and present experiences, the Court has now been lured into interfering with the crucial work that UNC and other institutions of higher learning are doing to solve America’s real-world problems.


No one benefits from ignorance. Although formal race-linked legal barriers are gone, race still matters to the lived experiences of all Americans in innumerable ways, and today’s ruling makes things worse, not better. The best that can be said of the majority’s perspective is that it proceeds (ostrich-like) from the hope that preventing consideration of race will end racism. But if that is its motivation, the majority proceeds in vain. If the colleges of this country are required to ignore a thing that matters, it will not just go away. It will take longer for racism to leave us. And, ultimately, ignoring race just makes it matter more.


The only way out of this morass—for all of us—is to stare at racial disparity unblinkingly, and then do what evidence and experts tell us is required to level the playing field and march forward together, collectively striving to achieve true equality for all Americans. It is no small irony that the judgment the majority hands down today will forestall the end of race-based disparities in this country, making the colorblind world the majority wistfully touts much more difficult to accomplish.


* * *


As the Civil War neared its conclusion, General William T. Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton convened a meeting of Black leaders in Savannah, Georgia. During the meeting, someone asked Garrison Frazier, the group’s spokesperson, what “freedom” meant to him. He answered, “‘placing us where we could reap the fruit of our own labor, and take care of ourselves . . . to have land, and turn it and till it by our own labor.’”


Today’s gaps exist because that freedom was denied far longer than it was ever afforded. Therefore, as Justice Sotomayor correctly and amply explains, UNC’s holistic review program pursues a righteous end—legitimate “‘because it is defined by the Constitution itself. The end is the maintenance of freedom.’” Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., 392 U. S. 409, 443–444 (1968) (quoting Cong. Globe, 39th Cong., 1st Sess., 1118 (1866) (Rep. Wilson)).


Viewed from this perspective, beleaguered admissions programs such as UNC’s are not pursuing a patently unfair, ends-justified ideal of a multiracial democracy at all. Instead, they are engaged in an earnest effort to secure a more functional one. The admissions rubrics they have constructed now recognize that an individual’s “merit”—his ability to succeed in an institute of higher learning and ultimately contribute something to our society—cannot be fully determined without understanding that individual in full. There are no special favorites here.


UNC has thus built a review process that more accurately assesses merit than most of the admissions programs that have existed since this country’s founding. Moreover, in so doing, universities like UNC create pathways to upward mobility for long excluded and historically disempowered racial groups. Our Nation’s history more than justifies this course of action. And our present reality indisputably establishes that such programs are still needed—for the general public good—because after centuries of state-sanctioned (and enacted) race discrimination, the aforementioned intergenerational race-based gaps in health, wealth, and well-being stubbornly persist.


Rather than leaving well enough alone, today, the majority is having none of it. Turning back the clock (to a time before the legal arguments and evidence establishing the soundness of UNC’s holistic admissions approach existed), the Court indulges those who either do not know our Nation’s history or long to repeat it. Simply put, the race-blind admissions stance the Court mandates from this day forward is unmoored from critical real-life circumstances. Thus, the Court’s meddling not only arrests the noble generational project that America’s universities are attempting, it also launches, in effect, a dismally misinformed sociological experiment.


Time will reveal the results. Yet the Court’s own missteps are now both eternally memorialized and excruciatingly plain. For one thing—based, apparently, on nothing more than Justice Powell’s initial say so—it drastically discounts the primary reason that the racial-diversity objectives it excoriates are needed, consigning race-related historical happenings to the Court’s own analytical dustbin. Also, by latching onto arbitrary timelines and professing insecurity about missing metrics, the Court sidesteps unrefuted proof of the compelling benefits of holistic admissions programs that factor in race (hard to do, for there is plenty), simply proceeding as if no such evidence exists. Then, ultimately, the Court surges to vindicate equality, but Don Quixote style—pitifully perceiving itself as the sole vanguard of legal high ground when, in reality, its perspective is not constitutionally compelled and will hamper the best judgments of our world-class educational institutions about who they need to bring onto their campuses right now to benefit every American, no matter their race.


The Court has come to rest on the bottom-line conclusion that racial diversity in higher education is only worth potentially preserving insofar as it might be needed to prepare Black Americans and other underrepresented minorities for success in the bunker, not the boardroom (a particularly awkward place to land, in light of the history the majority opts to ignore). It would be deeply unfortunate if the Equal Protection Clause actually demanded this perverse, ahistorical, and counterproductive outcome. To impose this result in that Clause’s name when it requires no such thing, and to thereby obstruct our collective progress toward the full realization of the Clause’s promise, is truly a tragedy for us all.


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Ketanji Brown Jackson


Ketanji Brown Jackson is an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Professor James H. Williams, Jr. SoundCloud Interview

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Professor James H. Williams, Jr.

Edited and excerpted from oral history interviews conducted by Clarence G. Williams with James H. Williams, Jr., in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 25 April and 6 August 1996.

Professor James H. Williams, Jr.

SB 1967 and SM 1968 (Mechanical Engineering) MIT, PhD 1970 (Mechanical Engineering) Cambridge University; from Apprentice Machinist to Senior Design Engineer, Newport News Shipyard, 1960-1970; joined the MIT faculty in 1970; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1981- and continuing ; School of Engineering Professor of Teaching Excellence, 1991- and continuing; Charles F. Hopewell Faculty Fellow, 1993- and continuing ; member, Task Force on Educational Opportunity, 1971-1972; recipient numerous awards, including Everett Moore Baker Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, 1973; J. P. Den Hartog Distinguished Educator Award, 1981; Edison Man of the Year Award, 1993.

Technology and the Dream: Reflections on the Black Experience at MIT, 1941–1999

By Dr. Clarence G. Williams

The MIT Press     DOI:


ISBN electronic:  9780262286305

Publication date: 2001


Transcripts of more than seventy-five oral history interviews in which the interviewees assess their MIT experience and reflect on the role of blacks at MIT and beyond.


This book grew out of the endeavors of MIT Black History, whose mission is to document the black presence at MIT. The main body of the text consists of transcripts of more than seventy-five oral history interviews, in which the interviewees assess their MIT experience and reflect on the role of blacks at MIT and beyond. Although most of the interviewees are present or former students, black faculty, administrators, and staff are also represented, as are nonblack faculty and administrators who have had an impact on blacks at MIT. The interviewees were selected with an eye to presenting the broadest range of issues and personalities, as well as a representative cross section by time period and category.


Each interviewee was asked to discuss family background; education; role models and mentors; experiences of racism and race-related issues; choice of field and career; goals; adjustment to the MIT environment; best and worst MIT experiences; experience with MIT support services; relationships with MIT students, faculty, and staff; advice to present or potential MIT students; and advice to the MIT administration. A recurrent theme is that MIT's rigorous teaching instills the confidence to deal with just about any hurdle in professional life, and that an MIT degree opens many doors and supplies instant credibility.


Each interview includes biographical notes and pictures. The book also includes a general introduction, a glossary, and appendixes describing the project's methodology.


MIT Black History

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Professor James H. Williams Jr. - Wikipedia

Professor James H. Williams Jr. in Du Pont Court, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 2000.

James Henry Williams Jr. is a mechanical engineer, consultant, civic commentator, and teacher of engineering. He is currently Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is regarded as one of the world's leading experts in the mechanics, design, fabrication, and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of nonmetallic fiber reinforced composite materials and structures. He is also Professor of Writing and Humanistic Studies at MIT.

Williams began his career in 1960 as an apprentice machinist at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. Within eight years he graduated from The Apprentice School, earned SB and SM engineering degrees from MIT, and returned to the Shipyard as a senior design engineer. Within another two years, he earned a PhD from the University of Cambridge, where he conducted theoretical elasticity and shell theory. He then chose to join the faculty at MIT, where he has spent the bulk of his career.

Photos courtesy of the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering
References From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Organized and reviewed by the MIT Black History Team for reference review only.


Early Life, Education, and Industrial Career

Williams was born in Newport News, Virginia, where he attended the segregated public schools. He was a rambunctious, "hell-raising" student who never took a textbook home. Still, Williams's brilliance was recognized by some of his teachers who permitted him to read whatever he chose while in school and devised especially difficult tests for him, independent of his classmates. Along with one or more of his teachers, he would also occasionally make up and grade the quizzes of his classmates. He went on to win statewide prizes in mathematics and science. He was also featured as a flutist in his high school band, and as an underclassman earned first chair in the all-state concert band.[1][2]

In 1960, Williams was among the earliest African-Americans admitted to the selective Newport News Shipyard Apprentice School. It attracts an average of about 4500 applications per year for approximately 250 openings, with some of the applicants having earned bachelor's degrees.[3][4] Williams is often regarded as the top academic student in the century-long history of the Apprentice School. In 1961 he won the Charles F. Bailey Bronze Medal (for the highest academic record by a first-year apprentice); in 1962, the Charles F. Bailey Silver Medal (highest academic record by a second-year apprentice); and, in 1963, the Charles F. Bailey Gold Medal (highest academic record by a third-year apprentice). Furthermore, in 1963 the Shipyard chose to award him a four-year full Homer L. Ferguson Scholarship to MIT. Throughout his years as a student at MIT, he consistently returned to the Shipyard during vacations and summers.[1][2][5]

In 1965, the Apprentice School awarded Williams the five-year diploma of Mechanical Designer. In 1967, he graduated from MIT with an SB in mechanical engineering, and after completing his SM in mechanical engineering in the winter of 1968, Williams returned to the Shipyard. During that period, he performed a range of mechanics calculations on the catapults, arrester cables, and power and propulsion systems of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN-68). During this same period, he held the title of Senior Design Engineer and was the only black among the hundreds of engineers at the Shipyard. In the fall of 1968, Williams entered the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) in England, earned the PhD in engineering, and returned to America to the mechanical engineering faculty of MIT in 1970.[6][1][7][2]


Throughout his MIT career, Williams has been repeatedly acclaimed and honored with numerous awards.[8][9][7][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] His teaching awards at MIT include:

  • 1973: Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Top MIT teaching prize awarded solely by students; he was the first Mechanical Engineering professor to receive this award.)
  • 1981: Jacob P. Den Hartog Distinguished Educator Award (Top teaching award in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT; he received the inaugural award.)
  • 1991: School of Engineering Professor of Teaching Excellence (He was the inaugural occupant of this MIT chair.)
  • 1993: MacVicar Faculty Fellow (Top MIT teaching prize awarded through MIT's executive administration for undergraduate education, requiring broad faculty and student endorsements; he was the first Mechanical Engineering professor to receive this award.)

Having served as the first Housemaster of MIT's undergraduate dormitory New West Campus Houses and having supervised more than 100 research theses, Williams is a highly regarded mentor of both undergraduate and graduate students.[9][12][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]


In the early 1970s, Williams sought to better understand the emerging carbon fiber reinforced polymeric composite materials, which were being touted as new materials to elevate the mechanical performance of structures. (Today, these materials are used in fighter and commercial aircraft, automobiles, ships, golf clubs, tennis racquets, and myriad other structures.) One of the major manufacturers of these new materials had observed that newly fabricated structures built from them had unacceptably high variabilities, resulting in structures of low reliability. Williams was retained as a consultant to determine why.[1][26] In addition, Williams's efforts were recognized by both industry and the National Science Foundation and he was selected, through a university-industrial program, to spend the summer of 1974 at a major composites manufacturing facility.[27]

Williams soon realized that the unpredictability of the materials' properties was due to undetected flaws or damage within the materials as a consequence of either improper fabrication or handling, as well as the selection of the various constituents. When he examined the technical and research literature on the nondestructive testing (NDT) to find and characterize the flaws in those materials, he found very little. Moreover, the NDT results that he found generally related to metals, and most of them were qualitative. Then, in 1974, Williams founded the Composite Materials and Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory in MIT's Mechanical Engineering Department. (He preferred the term "nondestructive evaluation" to the more common term of "nondestructive testing" to emphasize his interests in the broad structural behavior of materials even in the absence of macroscopic flaws.)[1][26]

With his advanced facilities in applied mathematics and experienced insights in mechanical design, Williams sought—and his subsequent career is distinguished by—quantitative analyses and characterizations of composite materials' properties and residual life based on a combination of nondestructive measurements and theoretical mechanics. Such quantitative analyses and materials characterizations have elevated the field of nondestructive testing and increased the reliable use of composite materials and structures.

Williams has subsequently compiled an extensive list of research and consulting results—in several instances, groundbreaking "firsts"—in the design, fabrication, strength analysis, residual strength, fatigue life, and NDE of fiber reinforced composite materials and structures. As an industrial and governmental consultant and through his MIT Lab with his research students, he advanced the understanding of modern composite materials and structures, as well as the systems for experimentally testing them.[28][29][30] Among many achievements, he (1) conducted the theoretical stress analyses of isotropic and anisotropic shells subjected to symmetric and asymmetric loads;[31][32][33][34][35] (2) produced the first quantitative correlations for the solid-particle erosion of carbon fiber polymeric composites;[36] (3) conducted the stress analyses of adhesively bonded joints in composites;[37][38] (4) analyzed the enhancement of composite properties by the introduction of thermoplastic microstructures;[39][40][41][42] (5) conducted the elastic and plastic acoustic emission monitoring of materials and structures, including structural bridge steels;[43][44][45][46][47][48][49] (6) established the forefront of the quantitative thermographic analyses of composite materials and structures;[50][51][52][53][54][55] (7) theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated the input-output signatures of ultrasonic transducers;[56][57] (8) hypothesized and then produced the first ultrasonic wave–fatigue life correlations of as-fabricated composites;[58][59] (9) hypothesized and then produced the first ultrasonic wave–residual strength correlations of impact-damaged composites;[60] (10) performed theoretical and applied ultrasonics of metals with and without macroscopic cracks, including a focus on structural bridge steels;[57][61][62][63][64][65] (11) performed theoretical and applied ultrasonics of composites;[56][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80] (12) conducted theoretical and experimental dynamic fracture of composite materials and structures;[81][82][83][84][85][86][87] (13) performed theoretical analyses of wave propagation in anisotropic media as related to composite materials and structures;[88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95] (14) developed statistical pattern recognition concepts for NDE;[96][97] (15) devised strategies for the residual life prediction of composite aircraft structures;[98][99][100] and (16) developed acoustic emission and ultrasonic versus load correlations for synthetic braided mooring lines and composite tension legs for offshore deepwater platforms.[101][102][103][104]

For the decade up to 2012, he and his research students have focused on the structural integrity damage assessment and repair of modern composites, with an emphasis on naval structures; and he continues to write sole-author documents on a range of technical topics, including several of the areas mentioned above, mechanical vibration and shock mitigation, and biomimetics.[6]

From the mid-1970s to the early 2000s, Williams also (1) conducted theoretical analyses on the earthquake isolation of buildings and structures by devising the highly unconventional concept of supporting them on sliding foundations;[105][106] (2) developed wave-like analyses of the dynamics and control of large space structures for earth-orbiting structural systems;[107][108][109][110][111][112][113] and (3) performed numerous major governmental and industrial consultations, as briefly described below.

By the early 1980s, he had devised ultrasonic laboratory systems for monitoring the structural integrity of composite structures in high performance aircraft.[56][114] He is known for having produced "the first theoretical models that predicted the acousto–ultrasonic waveforms as actually observed" in experiments and practice, as conducted at NASA Lewis and elsewhere.[57] Today, Williams is broadly recognized as one of the world's leading researchers in the mechanics and nondestructive testing of composite materials and structures: He was chosen by the editorial board of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing to be the first guest technical editor of its Special Focus issue on the NDT of Composites.[26]

Williams has also shown a sense of humor; 1) he led a group of students in building the world's largest yo-yo and tested it from the tallest building in Cambridge, Massachusetts;[27][115][116] (2) he has been called one of Boston's men of elegance and style;[13][117][118][119][120] and (3) he derived a mathematical proof of the counterintuitive number of rotations made by a non-slipping smaller cylinder rolling around a larger stationary cylinder, as presented in the popular "Ask Marilyn" column of the 72-year-old Parade Magazine, which is inserted into about 700 U.S. Sunday newspapers.[121][122]


During his career, Williams has conducted dozens of industrial and governmental consultations including (1) papermaking calender rolls, for which "he is considered, by virtue of his extensive work in the field, to be the nation's leading expert on stresses in rotary paper dryers";[33][123] (2) the first automated system for installing recessed highway lane delineation reflectors;[124] (3) an earthquake analysis of the 500 KV bus system of the British Columbia (Canada) hydroelectric power generating station and the design of an isolation system to protect its electrical lines during seismic activity;[125] (4) the design of composite rocket motor casings;[126] (5) the residual-life prediction of composite aircraft structures;[127] (6) the stress analysis of a high-speed optical pulsing system;[128] (7) the stress analysis of pelvic implants and bone stints for the Orthopædic Unit of the Massachusetts General Hospital;[129] (8) the effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the enhancement of composite fabrication;[130] (9) the ultrasonic NDE delineation of strength and rupture modes in adhesively bonded joints;[11][12] (10) the design of deepwater mooring composite systems for offshore oil platforms;[131][132][133] (11) an NDE regimen for the structural acceptance of composite automotive leaf springs;[134] among others.


MIT fasting protest[edit]

Professor James H. Williams Jr. sitting in protest in front of the Office of the MIT President and Provost, 3 April 1991.

In April 1991, Williams—at that time, the only native-born black American faculty member in the combined School of Engineering and School of Science at MIT—conducted a fasting sit-in each Wednesday throughout April. He was protesting the lack of black faculty and a lack of inspirational education for minority students.[135][136] During his protest, he set up a temporary office in the corridor at the entrance of the offices of the MIT president and provost. He observed that some aspects of the black community have disproportionately suffered attendant with integration because, in the broadest sense, many talented blacks have left the black community (no matter where it exists)—they no longer live in or relate to it; "they have been encouraged to escape from their roots." The residual black community is less educated and financially poorer. He characterized this phenomenon as "neocolonialist."[137][18][25][136][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147]

Crash of American Airlines Flight 587[edit]

On November 12, 2001, shortly after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International AirportAmerican Airlines Flight 587, an Airbus Industrie A300-600, crashed in Queens, New York, killing 251 passengers, a crew of 9, and 5 people on the ground.

At the request of several American Airlines pilots, Williams analyzed and then challenged the inspection requirements and the accident investigation conclusions of Airbus Industrie, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)—all of whom to varying degrees blamed the co-pilot of Flight 587 for the crash. The investigation and controversy concerning the crash focused on (1) the co-pilot's actions during takeoff, and (2) the aircraft's vertical stabilizer of the tail section, a complex structure of advanced composites. The vertical stabilizer on Flight 587 snapped off and landed in Jamaica Bay, away from the fuselage crash site.

According to Williams, Airbus adopted an inadequate inspection policy for its composite tail, the FAA approved Airbus's deficient inspection policy, and the NTSB mis-analyzed the cause of the airline disaster.

In so far as the vertical stabilizer was concerned, Airbus's nondestructive inspection policy was that damage that could not be seen with the unaided eye would not compromise its structural integrity. Such an inspection protocol greatly concerned Williams who characterized it as "a lamentably naive policy."[148][149] Williams further stated and was frequently quoted in the print and broadcast media as describing Airbus's inspection policy as "analogous to assessing whether a woman has breast cancer by simply looking at her family portrait."[150][151][152][148][153][154]

Through internet postings,[148] op-ed pieces,[153] industrial journal articles,[149] letters,[155] interviews in magazines and newspapers[150][151][156][157] and TV appearances,[152][158][154] Williams challenged the preliminary remarks and the final report of the NTSB's accident investigation. Although there were several critics of the investigation, including varied pilots and pundits, Williams is widely regarded as the major engineering voice providing pushback against the conclusion that the air disaster was essentially the fault of the co-pilot.

Based largely on the steadfast criticism of Airbus and the NTSB by Williams, in a tour de force of engineering and civic commentary, he clearly influenced both the NTSB[159] and Airbus[160] to reverse their positions on the cause of the American Airlines 587 crash as well as the required inspection procedures, thus likely saving hundreds of lives of current and future commercial airline passengers.[150][151][157][159]


Williams has written hundreds of technical publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings, and major reports to industrial and governmental agencies, dozens of non-technical op-ed and political commentaries, and two books. He is the author of the introductory textbook Wave Propagation and of the unconventional textbook Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics, which is a blend of history, dynamics and vibration.


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e Williams, James H. Jr. (2009). I Will Love You, Forever!—The Quantum Mechanics of Love. Ingram Book Group. ISBN 978-0615268132.
  2. Jump up to:a b c Forest, Angela (2 May 2004). "A Wild Experiment"Daily Press.
  3. ^ Grimes, Cathy (30 November 2013). "New Apprentice School set to open in Downtown Newport News"The Daily Press.
  4. ^ "Shipyard Apprentice School—Ground-breaking Ceremony at Newport News" 6 May 2012.
  5. ^ "Burke Tells Grads to Take Initiative". The Broad AX (1): 1. February 1964.
  6. Jump up to:a b "MIT home page: James H. Williams Jr". MIT.
  7. Jump up to:a b "MIT Professor Williams to help develop writing courses for engineering students"MIT Tech Talk. 17 November 2000.
  8. ^ "Williams Is Appointed to Engineering Chair". MIT Tech Talk. 9 October 1991. p. 3.
  9. Jump up to:a b Di Iorio, Robert C. (10 February 1993). "Six New MacVicar Fellows Honored at Luncheon"MIT Tech Talk.
  10. ^ "Williams wins Edison Award"MIT Tech Talk. 24 February 1993.
  11. Jump up to:a b "J.P. Den Hartog Distinguished Educator Award". MIT Mechanical Engineering Department. Archived from the original on 2013-11-05.
  12. Jump up to:a b c Waugh, A.C. (3 March 1999). "Williams and Crayton are named 1998 YMCA Black Achievers"MIT Tech Talk. p. 3.
  13. Jump up to:a b Montgomery, M.R. (26 May 1993). "Engineering Success MIT's James T. Williams helps students by building on their knowledge of themselves"Boston Globe. p. 75. Archived from the original on 7 December 2013.
  14. ^ "News Notes". Bay State Banner. 4 March 1993. p. 6.
  15. ^ "Birthday Tribute". MIT Tech Talk. 12 August 1981. p. 3.
  16. ^ Reeves, Curtis (15 May 1973). "MIT awards given; 33 prizes presented" (PDF)The Tech.
  17. ^ Karagianis, Elizabeth (Fall 1994). "James H. Williams Jr. – Department of Mechanical Engineering". MIT Spectrum: 4.
  18. Jump up to:a b Lamberti, Andrea (3 May 1991). "Students protest minority policies"The Tech. p. 1.
  19. ^ Peterson, Simone (29 October 1985). "Be mindful of tone in speeches"The Tech.
  20. ^ Huang, T.T. (4 February 1986). "What will The Tech do now?" (PDF)The Tech.
  21. ^ Jungwirth, Craig (22 October 1985). "Williams gives own view"The Tech. p. 1.
  22. ^ Hsu, Susan; et al. (7 May 1991). "Baker Award is not career killer"The Tech. p. 5.
  23. ^ Mayer, Thomas (16 September 1975). "New dorm master hopeful" (PDF)The Tech. p. 1.
  24. ^ "Sisters in Life". MIT Tech Talk. 6 May 1981. p. 3.
  25. Jump up to:a b Vedantham, Anu (7 April 1987). "McBay, Manning skip forum" (PDF)The Tech.
  26. Jump up to:a b c Williams, James H. Jr., ed. (July 2007). "NDT of Composites". Materials Evaluation.
  27. Jump up to:a b "Williams Returns from New University-Industry Program". MIT Tech Talk. 11 September 1974.
  28. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (April 1985). "Promising Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for Composite Materials"Materials Evaluation43 (5): 561–565.
  29. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (Fall 1979). "Thermal Tests Detect Fiberglass Flaws". MIT Sea Grant, Quarterly Report.
  30. ^ "Reports on Research: Whispering Fatigue". MIT Industrial Liaison Program7 (7). April 1980.
  31. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (August 1973). "Inextensional Approximations in Cylindrical Shells". AIAA Journal11 (8): 1213–1214. Bibcode:1973AIAAJ..11.1213Wdoi:10.2514/3.6903.
  32. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (October 1973). "Deformation in Multiple Tier Cylindrical Shells". Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division99 (EM5): 1114–1118. doi:10.1061/JMCEA3.0001822.
  33. Jump up to:a b Williams, James H. Jr. (May 1974). "Line Load on Cylindrical Shell with End Plates"Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology96 (2): 131–136. doi:10.1115/1.3454151.
  34. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (September 1974). "Centers of Twist and Shear in Cylindrical Shell Beams of Arbitrary Section"Journal of Applied Mechanics41 (3): 829–931. Bibcode:1974JAM....41..829Wdoi:10.1115/1.3423409.
  35. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (August 1975). "Line Load Displacements in Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells"Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology97 (3): 232–233. doi:10.1115/1.3454300.
  36. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; E.K. Lau (1974). "Solid Particle Erosion of Graphite-Epoxy Composites". WEAR29 (2): 219–230. doi:10.1016/0043-1648(74)90072-6.
  37. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (1975). "Stresses in Adhesive Between Dissimilar Adherends". Journal of Adhesion7 (2): 97–107. doi:10.1080/00218467508075042.
  38. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; Z. Bin Ahmad (Summer 1980). "Interlaminar Stresses in Composites Having Arbitrary Stacking Sequences". NTA Journal54 (3): 76–86.
  39. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee; C.S. Wasserman (July 1977). "Fibre Intersections in a Planar Randomly Oriented Fibre Composite". Fibre Science and Technology10 (3): 161–177. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(77)90018-5.
  40. ^ Kousiounelos, P.N.; Williams Jr., James H. (October 1977). "Heterogeneous Anisotropic Model for Notched Fibre Composites". Fibre Science and Technology10 (4): 299–311. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(77)90006-9.
  41. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; B.J. Bosy (October 1977). "Fibre Orientation Efficiency Factor for Planar Randomly Oriented Discontinuous Fibre Composites". Fibre Science and Technology10 (4): 319–322. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(77)90008-2.
  42. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; P.N. Kousiounelos (March 1978). "Thermoplastic Fibre Coatings Enhance Composite Strength and Toughness". Fibre Science and Technology11 (2): 83–88. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(78)90001-5.
  43. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1977). McGonnagle, W.J. (ed.). "Monitoring of Elastic Stresses by Acoustic Emission". International Advances in Nondestructive Testing5: 265–273.
  44. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (October 1978). "Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Fiber Composite Materials and Structures"Journal of Composite Materials12 (4): 348–370. Bibcode:1978JCoMa..12..348Wdoi:10.1177/002199837801200402S2CID 135600871.
  45. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; D.M. Egan (January 1979). "Acoustic Emission Spectral Analysis of Fiber Composite Failure Mechanisms"Materials Evaluation37 (1): 43–47.
  46. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (February 1979). "Acoustic Emission from Graphite/Epoxy Composite Containing Interlaminar Paper Inclusions". NDT International12: 5–7. doi:10.1016/0308-9126(79)90033-6.
  47. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; G.P. Emerson (October 1979). "Acoustic Emission/Elastic Stress Behavior in a Magnesium Alloy"Materials Evaluation37 (11): 73–80.
  48. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (January 1982). "Acoustic Emission During Unloading of Elastically Stressed Magnesium Alloy"Journal of Testing and Evaluation10 (1): 12–16. doi:10.1520/jte11563jhdl:2060/19780018515S2CID 56039176.
  49. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (July 1983). "Acoustic Emission Characterization Using AE [Parameter] Delay"Materials Evaluation41 (8): 961–966.
  50. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H.S. Mansouri; S.S. Lee (May 1980). "One-Dimensional analysis of Thermal nondestructive Detection of Delamination and Inclusion Flaws". British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing22 (3): 113–118.
  51. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H.S. Mansouri; S.S. Lee (July 1980). "Thermal Nondestructive Testing of Fiberglass Laminates Using Liquid Crystals". British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing22 (4): 184–190.
  52. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H.S. Mansouri; S.S. Lee (March 1982). "Thermal Nondestructive Testing of Fiberglass Laminate Containing Simulated Flaws Orthogonal to Surface Using Liquid Crystals". British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing24 (2): 76–81.
  53. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; R.J. Nagem (February 1983). "A Liquid Crystals Kit for Structural Integrity Assessment of Fiberglass Watercraft"Materials Evaluation41 (2): 202–210.
  54. ^ Cai, L.-W.; A.F. Thomas; James H. Williams Jr. (September 2001). "Thermographic Nondestructive Evaluation of Polymeric Composite Sandwich Panels". Materials Evaluation59 (9): 1061–1071.
  55. ^ Thomas, A.F.; L.-W. Cai; James H. Williams Jr. (November 2002). "Nondestructive Testing of Polymeric Composite Sandwich Panels Via the Thermographic Halo". Materials Evaluation60 (11): 1339–1349.
  56. Jump up to:a b c Williams Jr., James H.; S.S. Lee (April 1985). "Promising Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for Composite Materials"Materials Evaluation43 (5): 561–565.
  57. Jump up to:a b c Drouillard, Thomas F.; Alex Vary (January–June 1994). "AE Literature—Acousto-Ultrasonic Reflections". Journal of Acoustic Emission12 (1–2): 71.
  58. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; B. Doll (May 1980). "Ultrasonic Attenuation as an Indicator of Fatigue Life of Graphite Fiber Epoxy Composite"Materials Evaluation38 (5): 33–37.
  59. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Yuce; S.S. Lee (April 1982). "Ultrasonic and Mechanical Characterizations of Fatigue States of Graphite Epoxy Composite Laminates"The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America40 (5): 560–565. Bibcode:1983ASAJ...73Q2230Wdoi:10.1121/1.389517hdl:2060/19820009640S2CID 33451143.
  60. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; N.R. Lampert (December 1980). "Ultrasonic NDE of Impact-Damaged Graphite Fiber Composite". Materials Evaluation38 (12): 68–72.
  61. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; D.M. deLonga; S.S. Lee (October 1982). "Correlations of Acoustic Emission with Fracture Mechanics Parameters in Structural Bridge Steels During Fatigue"Materials Evaluation40 (11): 1184–1189.
  62. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; E.B. Kahn; S.S. Lee (December 1983). "Effects of Specimen Resonances on Acoustic-Ultrasonic NDE"Materials Evaluation41 (13): 1502–1510.
  63. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Karagulle; S.S. Lee (January 1986). "Ultrasonic Testing of Plates Containing Edge Cracks"Materials Evaluation44 (1): 100–107.
  64. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Karagulle; S.S. Lee (March 1986). "Stress Waves in an Isotropic Elastic Plate Excited by a Circular Transducer"Materials Evaluation44 (4): 455–462.
  65. ^ Williams Jr., James; S.S. Lee; H. Karagulle (1986). "Input-Output Characterizations on an Ultrasonic Testing System by Digital Signal Analysis". In W.J. McGonnagle (ed.). International Advances in Nondestructive Testing. Vol. 12. Gordon and Breach Science Publishing. pp. 147–192.
  66. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1980). "Stress Wave Attenuation in Thin Structures by Ultrasonic Through-Transmission". Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation1 (4): 277–285. Bibcode:1980mit..reptQ....Ldoi:10.1007/bf00571808hdl:2027/uiug.30112106862946S2CID 111076502.
  67. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Nayeb-Hashemi; S.S. Lee (1980). "Ultrasonic Attenuation and Velocity in AS/3501-6 Graphite Fiber Composite". Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation1 (2): 137–148. doi:10.1007/bf00566121S2CID 135772192.
  68. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Nayeb-Hashemi; S.S. Lee (1980). "Ultrasonic Wave Propagation Loss Factor in Composite in Terms of Constituent Properties". Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation1 (3): 191–199. doi:10.1007/bf00567091S2CID 137604291.
  69. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; B. Doll (December 1982). "A Simple Wave Propagation Analysis of Piezoceramic NDE Transducer Response"Materials Evaluation40 (13): 1374–1381.
  70. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; H. Karagulle; S.S. Lee (May 1982). "Ultrasonic Input-Output for Transmitting and Receiving Longitudinal Transducers Coupled to Same Face of Isotropic Elastic Plate"Materials Evaluation40 (6): 655–662.
  71. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee; H. Yuce (February 1984). "Ultrasonic Attenuation of a Void-Containing Medium for Very Long Wavelengths"Materials Evaluation42 (2): 219–224.
  72. ^ Karagulle, H.; James H. Williams Jr.; S.S. Lee (October 1985). "Application of Homomorphic Signal Processing to Stress Wave Factor Analysis"Materials Evaluation43 (11): 1446–1454.
  73. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1991). "Ultrasonic Wave Characterization of Polymers"Materials Evaluation49 (3): 351–355. Bibcode:1991MatEv..49..351L.
  74. ^ Yim, H.; James H. Williams Jr. (September 1995). "Formulation and Its Energy Balance Verification for Ultrasonic and Nondestructive Characterization of a Single Fiber Composite Interphase". Ultrasonics33 (5): 377–387. doi:10.1016/0041-624x(95)00043-3.
  75. ^ Yim, H.; James H. Williams Jr. (September 1995). "Database Generation and Parametric Study for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Characterization of a Single Fiber Composite Interphase". Ultrasonics33 (5): 389–401. doi:10.1016/0041-624x(95)00044-4.
  76. ^ Cai, L.-W.; James H. Williams Jr. (November 1999). "Large-Scale Multiple-Scattering Problems". Ultrasonics37 (7): 435–462. doi:10.1016/s0041-624x(99)00029-3.
  77. ^ Cai, L.-W.; James H. Williams Jr. (November 1999). "Full-Scale Simulations of Elastic Wave Scattering in Fiber-Reinforced Composites". Ultrasonics37 (7): 463–482. doi:10.1016/s0041-624x(99)00030-x.
  78. ^ Cai, L.-W.; James H. Williams Jr. (November 1999). "NDE via Stop Band Formation in Fiber Reinforced Composites Having Square Fiber Arrangements"Ultrasonics37 (7): 483–492. doi:10.1016/s0041-624x(99)00031-1.
  79. ^ Cai, L.-W.; James H. Williams Jr. (April 2005). "Transient Wave Ultrasonic Detection of Delaminations in Composite Sandwich Panels". Materials Evaluation63 (4): 434–442.
  80. ^ Cai, L.-W.; James H. Williams Jr. (June 2005). "Ultrasonic Detection of Delaminations in Composite Sandwich Panels Having Attenuation". Materials Evaluation63 (6): 657–666.
  81. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1982). "Double Cantilever Shear Beam Model of Dynamic Fracture in Duplex Fiber Composites". International Journal of Fracture19 (3): 3–16. doi:10.1007/bf00012488S2CID 136982441.
  82. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (September 1982). "Double Cantilever Shear Beam model of Dynamic Fracture in Unidirectional Fiber Composites". Fibre Science and Technology17 (2): 99–122. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(82)90039-2.
  83. ^ Kousiounelos, P.N.; James H. Williams Jr. (1982). "Dynamic Fracture of Unidirectional Graphite Fiber Composite Strips". International Journal of Fracture20: 47–63. doi:10.1007/bf00942164S2CID 137142627.
  84. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; P.N. Kousiounelos (1981). "Numerical Stability and Convergence Criteria for Equations for Dynamic Fracture in DCB Composite Specimens". Engineering Fracture Mechanics14 (1): 165–170. doi:10.1016/0013-7944(81)90025-4.
  85. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee; P.N. Kousiounelos (1981). "Dynamic Crack Propagation and Arrest in Orthotropic DCB Fiber Composite Specimens". Engineering Fracture Mechanics14 (2): 427–438. doi:10.1016/0013-7944(81)90011-4.
  86. ^ Kousiounelos, P.N.; James H. Williams Jr. (February 1981). "Approximate Mode I Velocity Correction Factors for 90° Unidirectional Fiber Composites". Fibre Science and Technology14 (2): 91–97. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(81)90034-8.
  87. ^ Kousiounelos, P.N.; James H. Williams Jr. (1982). "Approximate Mode II Velocity Correction Factors for 90° Unidirectional Fiber Composites". Engineering Fracture Mechanics16 (4): 483–496. doi:10.1016/0013-7944(82)90128-x.
  88. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; E.R.C. Marques; S.S. Lee (May 1986). "Stress Waves in Transversely Isotropic Media: The Homogeneous Problem". NASA Cr-3977.
  89. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; E.R.C. Marques; S.S. Lee (July 1986). "Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Infinite Medium Due to an Oscillatory Point Source with Application to a Unidirectional Composite Material". NASA Cr-4001.
  90. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; T.P. Liao (1987). "Acousto-Ultrasonic Input-Output Characterization of Unidirectional Fiber Composite Plate by SH Waves". NASA Cr-4087.
  91. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; T.P. Liao (1988). "Acousto-Ultrasonic Input-Output Characterization of Unidirectional Fiber Composite Plate by P Waves". NASA Cr-4162.
  92. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; T.P. Liao (1988). "Acousto-Ultrasonic Input-Output Characterization of Unidirectional Fiber Composite Plate by SV Waves". NASA Cr-4152.
  93. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; J.D. Renneisen (1989). "Input-Output Characterization of Fiber Composites by P Waves". NASA Contractor Report.
  94. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; J.D. Renneisen (1989). "Input-Output Characterization of Fiber Composites by SH Waves". NASA Contractor Report.
  95. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; J.D. Renneisen (1989). "Input-Output Characterization of Fiber Composites by SV Waves". NASA Contractor Report.
  96. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1977). Warren J. McGonnagle (ed.). "Pattern Recognition Characterizations of Micromechanical and Morphological Materials States via Analytical Quantitative Ultrasonics". International Advances in Nondestructive Testing5: 265–273.
  97. ^ Cimaszewski, S.A.; H. Yim; James H. Williams Jr. (1995). "Multiparameter Statistical Determination of Single Fibre Interphase Properties". Ultrasonics33 (5): 403–410. doi:10.1016/0041-624x(95)00045-5.
  98. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (July 1999). "Prediction of Remaining Useful Life of Aircraft Components Using Nondestructive Inspection Data". Afrl/MLLP. Ohio: Wright Patterson AFB. Final Report.
  99. ^ Nagem, R.J.; J.M. Seng; James H. Williams Jr. (September 2000). "Residual Life Predictions of Composite Aircraft Structures via Nondestructive Testing, Part 1: Prediction Methodology and Nondestructive Testing"Materials Evaluation58 (9): 1065–1074.
  100. ^ Nagem, R.J.; J.M. Seng; James H. Williams Jr. (November 2000). "Residual Life Predictions of Composite Aircraft Structures via Nondestructive Testing, Part 2: Degradation Modeling and Residual Life Prediction". Materials Evaluation58 (11): 1310–1319.
  101. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (July 1982). "Acoustic Emission/Rupture Load Characterizations of Double-Braided Nylon Rope". Marine Technology.
  102. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; J. Hainsworth; S.S. Lee (1984). "Acoustic-Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation of Double-Braided Nylon Ropes Using the Stress Wave Factor". Fibre Science and Technology21 (3): 169–180. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(84)90012-5.
  103. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; J.M. Connolly; K.M. Malek; S.S. Lee (1984). "Ultrasonic Wave Velocity in Double-Braided Nylon Rope". Fibre Science and Technology21 (1): 41–57. doi:10.1016/0015-0568(84)90064-2.
  104. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; A.U. Kuehnle; S.S. Lee (1985). "Identification of Damage Levels in Synthetic Rope by Ultrasonic Spectral Pattern Recognition". Report to US Navy.
  105. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (January 1977). "Designing Earthquake-Resistant Structures". NTA Journal1 (1): 38–44.
  106. ^ Crandall, S.H.; S.S. Lee; James H. Williams Jr. (December 1974). "Accumulated Slip of a Friction-Controlled Mass Excited by Earthquake Motions"Journal of Applied Mechanics41 (4): 1094–1098. Bibcode:1974JAM....41.1094Cdoi:10.1115/1.3423440.
  107. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; R.J. Nagem (August 1987). "Wave Propagation in Large Space Structures". Proceedings of the Fifth AFOSR Forum on Space Structures. Monterey, California.
  108. ^ Nagem, R.J.; James H. Williams Jr. (1989). "Dynamic Failure and Arrest in Large Space Structures". Mechanics of Structures and Machines17 (1): 53–72. doi:10.1080/089054508915629.
  109. ^ Nagem, R.J.; James H. Williams Jr. (1989). "Dynamic Analysis of Large Space Structures Using Transfer Matrices and Joint Coupling Matrices". Mechanics of Structures and Machines17 (3): 349–371. doi:10.1080/089054508915646.
  110. ^ Nagem, R.J.; James H. Williams Jr. (1990). "Control of One-Dimensional Distributed Structure Based on Wave Propagation Analysis". Mechanics of Structures and Machines18 (1): 33–57. doi:10.1080/08905459008915658.
  111. ^ Kuehnle, A.E.; James H. Williams Jr. (1990). "Control of Longitudinal Waves in Rod with Voigt Damping, Mechanics of Structures and Machines". Mechanics of Structures and Machines18 (3): 335–351.
  112. ^ Nagem, R.J.; James H. Williams Jr. (1994). "Scattering of Nondispersive Waves at Nonlinear Joints in One-Dimensional Structures". Mechanics of Structures and Machines22 (3): 305–326. doi:10.1080/08905459408905215.
  113. ^ Nagem, R.J.; James H. Williams Jr. (1994). "Reflection and Transmission of Random Disturbances at Joints in One-Dimensional Structures". Mechanics of Structures and Machines22 (3): 327–342. doi:10.1080/08905459408905216.
  114. ^ Jones, Yolanda (2 September 1980). "Newport News Native Studies Stress Sounds". Daily Press. p. 10.
  115. ^ "Silly Season at M.I.T.". Science Digest: 72–76. July 1974.
  116. ^ "Prof. Williams Spins His Wheels and Comes Up with a Colossal, Working Yo-yo"People5 (3): 39. 26 January 1976.
  117. ^ Abrahms, Sally; Sheila Eby (Fall–Winter 1982). "The Men of Boston". Playboy Fashion3 (2): 85.
  118. ^ Shurkin, Joel (June 1983). "Science and Casual". L'Uomo Vogue: 72–137.
  119. ^ Hatfield, Julie (29 April 1982). "Fashionable 'Men of Boston' hop to Playboy's photo call". Boston Globe. p. 45.
  120. ^ "Natty Prof. Williams may be one of Playboy's 'Men of Boston". MIT Tech Talk. Vol. 26, no. 35. p. 3.
  121. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (10 May 1992). "Ask Marilyn [letter quotation]". Parade: 6.
  122. ^ Sternberg, J. (14 November 2013). "Parade Slowly Marches Into the Digital Era"Digiday.
  123. ^ "Johnson, Schroeder, Williams are Appointed as First Edgerton Assistant Professors". MIT Tech Talk. 9 January 1974.
  124. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (June 1978). "Development and Evaluation of Mechanized Equipment for Installation of the Recessed Reflective Marker Delineation System". U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Research and Development (Technical Report).
  125. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (December 1975). "Seismic Analysis of Bus and Support Systems". British Columbia Hydro-Mica Dam Project.
  126. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (April 1990). "Design, Materials and Mechanical Characterization of Overbraided Composite Rocket Motors". Naval Ordnance Station (Indian Head, Maryland).
  127. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (July 1999). "Prediction of Remaining Useful Life of Aircraft Components Using Nondestructive Inspection Data". AFRL/MLLP Final Report (Wright Patterson AFB). OH 45433-7817.
  128. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (July 1972). "Stress and Dynamic Calculations for Rotary Disk Shutters". Report to AVCO-Everett.
  129. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (March 1975). "Stresses of Implants". Report to Hip and Implant Surgery Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital.
  130. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee; E.R. Lang (September 1984). "Effects of Ultrasonic Irradiation on the Enhancement of Composite Processing". Report to GM Manufacturing and Development.
  131. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (December 1984). "Material and Nondestructive Evaluation Characterizations of Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites for Deepwater Mooring Systems". Report to Conoco, Inc.
  132. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (February 1985). "Proceedings of the Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (Dallas, Texas)".
  133. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; M.M. Salama; R.M. Vennett; S.S. Lee (February 1985). "Materials for Lightweight Mooring System for Deepwater Compliant Structures". Proceedings of the Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (Dallas, Texas).
  134. ^ Williams, James H. Jr.; S.S. Lee (1981). "Nondestructive Evaluation of Automotive Composite Leaf Spring". WEA (Cambridge, Massachusetts).
  135. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (March 1991). "Dilemmas, Colonialism, and Protest" (PDF)MIT Faculty NewsletterIII (5): 9.
  136. Jump up to:a b Flint, Anthony (3 April 1991). "Black professor to protest at MIT by fasting"Boston Globe. p. 19. Archived from the original on 7 December 2013.
  137. ^ Negri, Gloria (4 April 1991). "MIT professor protests shortage of black faculty"Boston Globe. Archived from the original on 1 March 2016.
  138. ^ "Tenured MIT professor fasting in protest". The Enterprise. 4 April 1991. p. 48.
  139. ^ Di Iorio, Robert C. (10 April 1991). "Williams' Protest Draws Wide Press Attention". MIT Tech Talk. p. 1.
  140. ^ Mulvihill, Maggie (4 April 1991). "Black MIT Professor fasts to protest racism". Portland (Maine) Press Herald. AP.
  141. ^ Blum, Debra E. (10 April 1991). "Black Professor Starts Weekly Fast to Criticize MIT's Minority Efforts". Chronicle of Higher Education. p. A16.
  142. ^ "MIT Prof. Fasts to Protest Minorities' Status There"Jet: 23. 29 April 1991.
  143. ^ Clark, Josh (11 April 1991). "News Notes: No Food for Thought". Harvard Independent. p. 7.
  144. ^ Uche, Nena (25 April 1991). "Professor declares victory in protest of MIT climate". Bay State Banner. p. 2.
  145. ^ Lamberti, Andrea (26 April 1991). "Students gather in show of support for Williams' protest"The Tech. p. 1.
  146. ^ Ball, Charles H. (25 September 1991). "Program Is Adopted To Add Minority Faculty". MIT Tech Talk. p. 1.
  147. ^ Shim, Katherine (27 September 1991). "Minority Faculty Sought"The Tech. p. 1.
  148. Jump up to:a b c "Flight 587".
  149. Jump up to:a b Williams, James H. Jr. (29 July 2002). "Guest Column: Crash Should Prompt a Change in Composite Inspection Philosophy"Air Safety Week. Archived from the original on 9 April 2016.
  150. Jump up to:a b c Rose, David (September 2002). "Pilot Terror". Vanity Fair. No. 505. p. 212.
  151. Jump up to:a b c Rose, David (12 March 2005). "What made an Airbus rudder snap in mid-air?"The Observer.
  152. Jump up to:a b Williams, James H. Jr. (5 August 2002). "Airbus's Fatal Flaws?". ABC News Tonight (TV appearance).
  153. Jump up to:a b Williams, James H. Jr. (6 May 2002). "Closer inspection of a flight risk"Baltimore Sun.
  154. Jump up to:a b Williams, James H. Jr. (6 August 2002). "ABC World News Now (TV appearance)".
  155. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (3 July 2003). "Letter: Inspection of Aircraft Parts"Boston Globe. Archived from the original on 9 April 2016.
  156. ^ Thomson, Elizabeth A. "Airbus Flaws?". MIT News: Here & There.
  157. Jump up to:a b Sales, R.J. (8 May 2002). "Flight risk of Airbus's A300-600 jet needs closer inspection, says prof". MIT Tech Talk.
  158. ^ Williams, James H. Jr. (7 February 2002). "Materials Used May Have Caused Crash—Airbus: Visual Inspection Flaw?". WNBC-TV Evening News (appearance).
  159. Jump up to:a b "NTSB Urges Inspections of Certain Airbus A300 Rudders"NTSB Safety Recommendation A-06-27 and A-06-28. 24 March 2006.
  160. ^ "Sky Talk: Rigorous Airbus Rudder Checks Now Required"Star-Telegram. 19 December 2007.
